Hopefully your training has gone well and you are injury free. Here are some tips…
Try and keep the number of pacers to a minimum, ideally no more than two. Remember that every pair of feet adds to erosion on
the round. There’s simply no need for large groups doing the round no matter how many mates you think would enjoy it.
Make sure you visit every top!
In your eagerness to keep to schedule (or regain time on your schedule) it can be easy to accidentally miss a summit
especially those in confusing areas such as Bowfell and Great End where if it’s misty or cloudy it’s easy to
mistake features.
The screenshot below is from an attempt where the contender missed the summit of Bowfell.
Copyright a very embarassed contender
If you are using a GPS unit then typically they let you load waypoints, setting up these for each summit beforehand removes one source
of worry. If you are old school then it’s a good idea for you and your pacers to have visited the actual summits so
you know what each looks like.
Great End and other “ambiguous” tops
Great End has two tops of very similar height. Either top will suffice for ratification purposes but Wendy Dodds notes that back in the
day, clockwise rounds visited the SE top (where the trig point is) while anticlockwise rounds visited the NW top.
Grey Knotts is similar in having two tops of very similar altitude. The eastern one is the true top.
Red Pike. The OSM mapping has the summit marked in the wrong place. The true summit is about 100m further up the edge.
Logging your times
While GPS trackers and programs like Strava are popular they do have downsides:
Battery life of the device, particularly mobile phones can struggle in cold conditions.
Someone wandering off with the tracker. It doesn’t look good when you are heading up YewBarrow and your
tracker is going past Sellafield!
If you do use a tracker then wear or carry it yourself - quite often pacers skip tops, particularly the out and back ones - so
wearing it yourself avoids an “invalid trace”
Good old fashioned paper and pencil will work in pretty well any conditions, though care might be needed in high
winds. All that’s needed is a list of the tops for each leg then when you reach each top one of your pacers
records the time:
Scafell Pike: 14:12
Note the use of the 24hr clock - the ratification form uses this format so using it from the start makes things simpler. Also record the time of
day, not the number of minutes since the last top or the time taken on the round to that point.
If you print out the schedule from the calculator then there's space on those sheets to record your times.
There are few free parking spots in the Lakes these days. Bob Graham attempts are not exempt from them. If you use a pay and display car park
then please pay up.
Don’t park in situations that block access either for locals or emergency vehicles.
It goes without saying that you shouldn’t litter. Though in high winds and when you are tired that’s easier said than
It’s worth looking at your food wrappers beforehand and seeing if you can figure a way to open them without a fragment coming away. It may
be that repackaging items would help avoid any mishap.
In addition: if you come across any litter on the route then pick it up and pack it out, the occasional wrapper or two isn’t going
to add to your or your pacer’s load.
As indicated in the guidance notes, please ensure that you, your pacers and your support team act in a responsible manner.
This includes but is not limited to...
Littering - the Lakes is beautiful because people care and look after it, don’t be a Litter Bug!
Noise - you are likely to be passing people’s houses at unsociable hours. You wouldn’t like someone whooping and
shouting in the middle of the night outside your house, neither do they.
There has been some friction between some BG attempts/supporters and the traders in Keswick market. This culminated with an
altercation and the club then receiving correspondence from Cumbria County Council about that incident. Remember that the traders
are trying to make a living in increasingly difficult times.
So if you can, please adjust your start time so that your expected finish time avoids Saturday afternoons. If that isn’t possible
and you do return to the Moot Hall while the market traders are around then do not get in their way, one of the stalls is very close
to the start/finishing door. There’s also a local bye-law of no drinking on the street so do a quick “well done!” and head to the pub.
Please make your supporters aware of this - that’s your responsibility.