Bob Graham

The Bob Graham 24 Hour Club

Known Bugs

No software is perfect so most “development” effort actually goes into fixing problems. Below is a list of currently known bugs or new features being worked on.

If you hover your pointer over the summary field you will get a popup with more info. Hovering over the status field shows when the issue was last updated.

The sections below expand on several of the columns in the table.


Indicates the general type of problem or work being undertaken.


This colummn indicates how severe the problem is or how much work is likely to be involved in completing the task.


This column indicates how far through the development/fixing process the bug has progressed.

Due to browser caching a problem may have been fixed (and as such may no longer appear in the above table) but your browser hasn’t picked up the changes so if you still see the problem try forcing a hard refresh to see if it goes away.

New Bugs

If you find a bug that isn’t listed above, please get in touch with the Membership Secretary (details on the contacts page).

Bug reporting is an art in itself and unless you are used to doing so the best advice is to try and remember the steps taken to produce the bug - including but not limited to:

For any bug, it’s useful to include as much relevant information as you can remember. Just saying “It doesn’t work!” could mean anything - what is “it”?, what do you mean by “work”?

Once you’ve reported a bug, you may be asked questions (generally via email) so please don’t ignore these, it’s really frustrating trying to get more info and receiving no response.